Alive AIAlive AI
We also partner with researchers and non-profitsRead more

AI for
Ecology & Healthcare

We build cutting edge AI solutions that integrate into your existing workflows to save you time analysing data, writing reports, and more.

We'll help you take advantage of AI

Flexible services for all organisations

Product Development
We build, train and deploy AI systems, from simple pipelines to fully customised applications trained on proprietary datasets.
Research Partnerships
We collaborate with universities and government departments to conduct AI research and develop prototypes for commercialisation.
Due Diligence
We evaluate AI research and products to give businesses and investors confidence in their technical feasibility, cost, and scalability.
Discovery & Ideation
We identify ways your business can use traditional and/or generative AI to automate internal processes, improve your product or service, analyse data, and more.
Pro Bono Consulting
We partner with non-profits and NGOs to develop AI applications and discover high-impact AI use cases.

What our clients say

"My organisation worked with Alive AI on a project that was critical to our mission. If things didn't work out, it would have been an embarrassing failure in front of key stakeholders. Casey and Alive AI gave me confidence throughout the process always delivering on time, being available, and understanding our requirements. I'd recommend Alive AI to anyone who needs a product that works and a process that is easy and confidence inspiring."

Greg Sadler
Secretary, Effective Altruism Australia

"Working with the team at Alive AI for the past several months has been exceptionally productive and rewarding. Their expertise in AI and software development was crucial in creating our new carbon feasibility and due diligence software. Their capability, intelligence, and patience have made them an invaluable partner in bringing our ideas to life."

Alice Derwentsmith
Director, Natureach

"We’re so grateful to Alive AI for coming up with the concept and developing the Submission Copilot tool. It’s transformed our ability to engage our supporters to generate their own, personalised submissions to processes that are helping shape key government policies affecting animal welfare. We've had overwhelmingly positive feedback from our audience who’ve found the tool really easy to use, even with no prior experience of AI. It’s been a pleasure working with Alive AI on this project."

Bidda Jones AM
Australian Alliance for Animals

Insights from CSIRO's AI Centre

"To navigate the complex AI ecosystem and recognise the benefits, businesses need an AI partner, not just a service provider."

Read the full report


Reliance on AI consultants

4/5 businesses rely on AI service providers

"These technologies are pivotal to increasing productivity, automating routine work, generating intelligence-based conversations, and processing large amounts of data."


Cost reductions

Almost one third of cost-reductions will be driven by AI

"While it started with a focus on optimisation, we soon realised that AI had the potential to piece together and uplift all areas of our business across EX, CX, operations, and supplier management."


New revenue

On average, AI-related initiatives generate over $350k for Australian businesses

"Businesses are using AI to drive both process efficiency and financial ROI."

Case Studies

Highlighting some of our core capabilities

A custom LLM to automate document review and verification, saving costs and freeing up staff to focus on more complex problems that need their attention.

Document Analysis

An AI-powered GIS application to analyse land use and identify ideal sites for carbon development projects, bringing transparency and trust to carbon markets.

Land Use Classification

Novel medical imaging software to analyse scans and detect disease, supporting real-time clinical decision-making.

Medical Imaging

Advanced and customised AI to automatically process and label camera trap imagery for wildlife monitoring.

Camera Trap Processing

Chatbots that access your private data & documents to answer questions for staff, customers or clients.

Custom Chatbots

AI to analyses multispectral and hyperspectral drone imagery to find objects, analyse soils, and more.

Drone Analytics

Don't see what you need? This is just a sample of our capabilities; get in touch and we'll see if we can help you.

“AI can help solve some of the most difficult social and environmental challenges in areas like healthcare, disaster prediction, environmental conservation, agriculture, or cultural preservation.”

Jeff Dean Chief Scientist at Google DeepMind

Who we are

An experienced team of AI developers, software engineers, and researchers

We've got years of experience working with tech startups, SMEs, universities and government. Our skills cover every stage of the AI-lifecycle, including research, prototyping, commercialisation, and regulatory approval.

Whether it's building medical software, processing satellite data, or tackling something totally new – if it involves AI and doing some good, count us in.

Get in touch at to have a chat.

"Not Half Bad This Place"

As an all-Australian team, we're committed to building AI for people and the planet.
Credit: NASA